释义 |
1 ?可变的名字 ... 叫你的名字 i call your name 叫我的名字 say my name 可变的名字 flexible name ... 2 ?可变的名称 ... 弹性的多道流水线处理机 flexible multipipeline processor,FMPP 可变的名称 flexible name 弹性组件 flexible package ...
- 1
While the name and feature churn can be somewhat confusing, the end result is a range of more streamlined, sophisticated, and flexible connectivity options for your data servers. 虽然名称和特性会让人觉得费解,但是它们确实为数据服务器提供了一系列更加流线化、更加高级、更加灵活的连通性选项。 - 2
If there is no label present, then Studio will use the name when generating the configuration files, but labels are more flexible because they allow Spaces. 如果没有标签,那么Studio在生成配置文件时会使用名称,但标签更为灵活,因为标签允许使用空格。 - 3
The tire gets its name from the I-beam shaped tread, which is more flexible and forgiving than a square pin, so you get better traction. 轮胎得名于的I -梁形花纹,这是更为灵活和宽容比方形脚,因此你获得更好的牵引力。