释义 |
- 土象星座:在占星学中,土象星座包括金牛座、处女座和摩羯座,这些星座的特点是稳重、踏实和实际。
1 ?土象星座 ...分12星座的,表中除以4余1的星座(即干热星座)称为火象星座(Fire sign);余2的星座(即干冷星座)称为土象星座(Earth sign);余3的星座(即湿热星座)称为风象星座(Air sign);能被4整除的星座(即湿冷星座)称为水象星座(Water sign)。
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The moon will cooperate too, by being in Capricorn, a fellow earth sign like yours. 月亮也将进行合作,在南回归线,是一个像你同胞地球的迹象。 - 2
Fiery Mars moved into fellow Earth sign, Taurus, at the end of May, and Venus joins him on June 6th. 五月底炙热火星搬进土星伙伴-金牛座,而金星在6月6日也搬了过去。 - 3
You are fortunate in that Venus will tour Taurus, a fellow earth sign, most of the month, from April 1 to 24. 本月的大部分时间,从1号到24号,金星将越过金牛座,你将会很幸运。