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邪恶的, 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
When the Prince eventually realizes Cinderella is the one for him, as a punishment for evil, birds peck out the stepmother's and sisters' eyes. 当最后王子发现灰姑娘才是他的命中注定时,作为对邪恶的惩罚,鸟啄去了继母和姐姐们的眼睛。 - 2
The term "catharsis" has religious implications of removing evil and sin; it's no surprise that religious ceremonies are, around the world, one of the main settings for the release of the team. “净化”一词有去除邪恶和罪恶的宗教含义;在世界范围内,宗教仪式是团队公开组建的主要形式之一,这并不奇怪。 - 3
One man said, "The third evil is you!"