释义 |
1 ?主问证据 ... 主问 examined in chief 主问证据 evidence in chief 主理讼费评定事务聆案官 taxing master ... 2 ?直接证据 ...词或者根据其先前撰写的证词领导作证,这一层内部目标制度可以认为是最有效果的目标,为 控方供给直接证据 ( evidenCe in Chief ),所有权之私法化即对于关系法律国家中债权债务国家之确立。[7]
- 1
Still, there wasn't "any evidence" that Qantas Chief Executive Officer Alan Joyce wanted to pursue a deal at this stage, Walsh said in an interview with the newspaper. 沃尔什在接受报纸采访时表示,目前依然没有任何迹象表明,快达航空首席执行官阿兰·乔伊斯(Alan Joyce)希望进行此阶段的交易。 - 2
On Thursday, Time Warner cable Inc. 's chief operating officer, Landel Hobbs, said the company doesn't see evidence of people dropping cable in favor of the Internet. 周四,时代华纳有线电视公司的首席营运官Landel Hobbs表示,该公司并没有发现用户因使用互联网而放弃使用有线电视的迹象。 - 3
On Thursday, Time Warner Cable Inc.'s chief operating officer, Landel Hobbs, said the company doesn't see evidence of people dropping cable in favor of the Internet. 周四,时代华纳有线电视公司的首席营运官Landel Hobbs 表示,该公司并没有发现用户因使用互联网而放弃使用有线电视的迹象。