释义 |
优质切割 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?一级肉块 ... first quality brick 一等砖 first quality cut 一级肉块 first quality roll 磨一级粉的轧机 ...
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Every spring, before the traditional Qingming Festival, tea lovers from all over the country come to Longjing, a village just south of West Lake, for the first cut of top-quality tea. 每年春天,传统节日清明到来之前,爱茶者们会从全国各地奔赴西湖南面的龙井村,只为赶上最优质茶叶的初次采摘。 - 2
In choosing shirts, he says he looks first at fabric quality and button thickness, and then at the cut of the shirt, and he insists on removable collar stays, as the sewn-in ones crumple over time. 他说,在选择衬衫时,自己首先看布料的品质和钮扣的厚度,然后是剪裁,并且只穿带有可拆卸衣领插竹的衬衫,因为缝死在领子上的插竹经过一段时间就会变皱。 - 3
I won't cut corners just to save money, I put quality first.