释义 |
1 ?一级相变 ...大量的挥发导致踪迹不能持续存在)到有序的觅食(以踪迹为基础的觅食),并将其类比为实体系统中的一级相变(first-order transition),比如在达到临界温度时,由水到冰这种不连续的变化。 2 ?第一级转变 ... first-order subroutine 首先移去的子程序 ; 直接输入的子程序 first-order transition 第一级转变 ; 一阶相变 first-order value 一阶值 ...
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They discovered a first order phase transition, a discontinuity, in liquid hydrogen between a molecular state with low conductivity and a highly conductive atomic state. 他们发现了一个不连续的一级相变,这个相变是在液态氢低电导率的分子态和高电导率的原子态之间。 - 2
In the next set of steps, we define the triggers for the transitions between the states. First, we set up the transition that occurs when we are told the order has been shipped. - 3
For smaller clusters, there is no clear characteristic of first-order phase transition during the melting, implying a coexistence of solid and liquid phases due to finite-size effect. 对于较小的团簇,融化曲线没有出现清楚的一级相变特征,意味着由于尺寸效应导致的固态液态共存。