释义 |
1 ?励磁系统 ... energized relay circuit ==> 继电器磁路 energized system ==> 励磁系统,激励系统 energizing ==> 通电 ...
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Computers were the size of football fields, and Americans were energized by the prospect of the new Interstate highway system -not that other "inter," the Internet. 那时的电子计算机足有一个足球场大小。而当时让美国人感到群情振奋的是新网际州际高速公路系统的炫丽前景,而非如今的“因特”网络。 - 2
Computers were the size of football fields, and Americans were energized by the prospect of the new Interstate highway system - not that other "inter," the Internet. 那时的电子计算机足有一个足球场大小。而当时让美国人感到群情振奋的是新网际州际高速公路系统的炫丽前景,而非如今的“因特”网络。 - 3
These were relayed to all of the networks, which included the Crysto Ley system, and this energy was the source of that which energized all parts of the planet, particularly in Atlantis. 这都会被传送到所有的网络,其中包括水晶地脉系统(Crysto Ley system),这种能量将会供应能量给地球的所有部分,特别是在亚特兰提斯。