... fall into 陷入,养成,开始,渐渐 fall into a habit of养成…习惯 fall off 掉下,衰退,减少 ...
...习惯于 accostomed; accustom oneself to; accustom to; be / get used to; be accustomed to; be in the habit of; be used to ( v-ing ); be used to doing; be used to sth/doing sth; be/get used to sth./doing; be/get used to+v-ing; be/get used/accustomed to; become accustomed to; become used to; condition to; fall into a habit of; fall into the habit of; get (become、be) used to; get adapted to; get into the habit of; get used to something; got ada...
It's kinda easy to just fallintoahabitof doing stuff or consuming things without really having much of a reason for doing so.
This may cause you to stop being proactive and to fallintoahabitof being reactive, of waiting for someone else to do something.
It is easy to, by habit, fallintoa sense of complacency and to continue things that don't necessarily match who you have evolved into.