释义 |
公司橡胶 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?坚实的橄胶 ... 强韧的板胶Strong rubber 坚实的橄胶Firm rubber 变色Discoloration ...
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The MATS that you see at driving ranges that are made of rubber are very, very firm, and they predispose you to having injuries. 高尔夫练习场上的垫子是用橡胶制成的,非常非常硬,容易使你受伤。 - 2
This rubber, mixed with sulphur and then exposed to intense heat, was flexible in cold yet firm in heat. 这块橡胶混合了硫磺,经过高温处理后,在受冷时会变软,受热时能变硬。 - 3
A light, firm, spongy rubber made by beating air into latex and then curing it. Foam rubber has a wide range of USES including upholstery and insulation. 一种以向天然橡胶中充气并保存气体的方法制成的轻巧、结实、多孔的橡胶。它的用途很广,包括室内装修和绝缘。