释义 |
- 无解释,但“go through fire and water”意为“为了达成某事而经历许多困难或危险”
- 1
With the same high-spirited eagerness, and a flask full of local fire-water, he would run into taverns, caves, shepherd huts and gypsy camps, hungry to pick up the unknown language and join in. 带着如此强烈的求知欲,装了当地水的携带瓶,他会跑去酒馆、洞穴、牧羊人的家、吉普赛人的营地,求知若渴地学习当地的语言,并加入他们。 - 2
The pumps were started and the crew began to douse the fire with water. - 3
At first, the gugin had only five strings, representing the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth. 起初,古琴只有五根弦,代表金、木、水、火、土五种元素。