The Archangels hold the pillars of this gateway, so you can walk through into the new life you have carefully envisioned and intended for the Earth as well as yourself.
When the Times of London recently asked its readers to vote for the greatest novels of the last 60 years, Follett's the Pillars of the Earth came in at no. 2 (just behind to Kill a Mockingbird).
当《伦敦时报》最近让读者投票选出在过去60年里最好的小说时,福莱特的《地球支柱》(the Pillars of the Earth)一举拿下了第二名(仅仅次于《百舌鸟之死》(To Kill a Mockingbird))。
"A work of man must fuse with nature. The pillars had to look almost organic, like they had grown from the earth," Foster said.