耳机内部喇叭则是使用了石墨烯作为振膜,绝对的黑科技,声音非常棒解析力也非常好,比我现在的EarPods(苹果耳机) 好很多,已经完全中毒。
...苹果零配件(不论是屏幕,还是小到一个喇叭,听筒),有,来源是在回收的手机/用高仿的零配 深入研究苹果新耳机earpods(零部件图) 苹果核心技术值多少钱/苹果零配件/全新苹果iphone 6指纹传感器零部件曝光 苹果手机的主要零件是什么供应商生产的?
耳机一副 ; 苹果耳机 ; 耳机
After coining the term "earbuds, " Apple has moved on and showed off EarPods on Wednesday.
CNN: Yes, they still make 'em: Apple refreshes iPods
At their launch event this week, Apple announced an improved line it calls EarPods.
FORBES: Skullcandy Shrs Gets Kick In The Head From Morgan Stanley
Sadly, the EarPods included with the device are lacking in that regard.
ENGADGET: iPod nano review (2012)