... 可提早开始日期规划评估法 early start dates PERT 早期支援程式early support program,ESP 早期符记释放 early token release ...
... extrasensory perception 超感知觉 early support program 早期支持项目; 早期援助计划 e-commerce service provider 电子商务服务提供商 ...
... extrasensory perception 超感知觉 early support program早期支持项目; 早期援助计划 e-commerce service provider 电子商务服务提供商 ...
early support program早期支持程序 收藏 stored program computer 存储程序计算机; 内储程序概念; 内储程序计算器; 存储程序式计算机 收藏 .
Cities and programs should establish support groups for male early childhood educators and provide mentoring and professional development advice for male educators and their program leaders.
Following delivery of the CH147F training suite in early 2014, phase two of the contract will commence with CAE leading the in-service support for the CH147F aircrew training program.
It is critical to get team member support to the BPIP early in the program, especially when you consider that many of the Suggestions for improvements to the business will come from the team.