早期动议(Early Day Motion),是国会议员对于无固定日期的辩论所提出的动议通知,用于公开每个单独议员的意见及允许议员们将他们的意见的特殊原因及观点记录...
北京时间11月6日消息,据国外媒体报道,英国20名国会议员近日签署了一项早期提案(Early Day Motion),称英国“最危险军事黑客&r..
Half a dozen Conservative MPs had signed an Early Day Motion calling for a duty freeze.
BBC: Chancellor responds to pressure over fuel duty
So far 89 MPs have signed an Early Day Motion against this, including 55 Labour members.
BBC: Getting tough with 'health tourists'
Mr Williams has tabled an Early Day Motion in Parliament, claiming it raises questions about music industry "neo-monopolies".
BBC: Vinyl record on turntable