释义 |
1 ?元帅 ... 二等兵(Private) 元帅(Fleet Admiral) 上将(Admiral) ... 2 ?舰队提督 ...围, 它的教导官有可能是某一艘战船上经验丰厚的船主(captain or commodore), 一名提督(admiral), 可能是舰队提督(fleet admiral), 有些时刻以至是领主提督本人(Lord Admiral). 3 ?五星上将 包邮 救生牌 国产美军身份牌 军牌狗牌 不锈钢双牌中英文图案定制 ... N网购y海军 FleetAdmiral五星上将 Admiral上将 ... 4 ?军衔水师五星大将 问题状态 ... 欧内斯特·约瑟夫·金(Ernest Joseph King), 军衔:水师五星大将(Fleet Admiral); 切斯特·威廉·尼米兹(Chester Williaam Limitz), ...
- 1
The fleet admiral ranks in the navy of the United States. - 2
Or, as the story is often told, the brilliant Admiral Barbarossa and his largely Ottoman fleet effectively carried their lacklustre French allies along as they fought their victorious campaign. 或者就像故事说得那样,杰出的海军司令巴巴罗萨和他庞大的奥斯曼舰队成功地带领着他们死气沉沉的法国盟军打了一场大获全胜的战役。 - 3
A number of small portraits, more evocative than important, depict among others Khair ad-Din Barbarossa, a pirate who became admiral of the sultan’s fleet. 还有一批小肖像画,历史意义虽不重要却令人浮想联翩,其中一幅描绘的是绰号巴巴罗萨的凯尔丁,一个担任苏丹舰队海军司令的海盗。