Unfortunately, the Conservatives are unlikely to handle things very differently if they win power next spring.
You don't have to handle exceptions at this level because Spring translates them to a common set of unchecked exceptions.
您不必在这个级别上处理异常,因为 Spring 将它们转换为一套通用的未检查异常(unchecked exceptions)。
The power of Spring is that the plug-in code is completely unaware of which document types it can handle and this set can be easily changed declaratively, with no impact on the existing plug-in code.
Spring 的强大之处在于,能够在不了解插件代码可以处理哪些文档类型的情况下完成插件代码,能够以声明方式方便地更改这一设置,并对现有插件代码没有任何影响。