释义 |
1 ?森马 ... 心,失去他的联系后才知道我的心竟然会痛 ? Heart, he lost contact after that my heart actually hurts 森马 ? Forest horse 我太丑了啊 ? I too ugly ...
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Coldblood: the name used to describe the heavy European breeds of horse descended from the prehistoric forest horse. 冷血马,欧洲重挽马品种的统称,由史前的丛林马演变而来。 - 2
Klim, probably reflecting that a real robber would have vanished long ago with the horse and cart, came out of the forest and went hesitatingly up to his passenger. 也许正想着一个有马和车的很早以前已经消失的真的大盗,Klim从林子里面走了出来,将信将疑的走向他的乘客。 - 3
The horse was sad, and went to the forest to seek a little protection there from the weather. 这匹可怜的马非常悲哀,它在森林里茫无目标地到处徘徊,寒风夹着细雨,更增加了它的痛楚,它想寻找一个小小的避雨处。