n. 晚祷,晚课
n. 整平机,平衡器;分纱结
如艾文森 ( Evensen) 与英格伯格 ( Ingberg) 分别对挪威中学生的 ESL 作文及芬兰、瑞典大学生 作文中的主题句用法进行分析, 认为其段落模式都 有归纳...
... 所属州: WA 名字: Evensen 姓: Dale ...
Having originally said he would study DVD footage of Evensen as part of his preparations, Burns is training without a film show.
BBC: Ricky Burns confident ahead of bout with Evensen
The Scot takes on Norwegian-based Colombian Andreas Evensen at Glasgow's Braehead Arena on 4 December in the first defence of his title.
Evensen was freed - but denied the chance to be a spy.
BBC: NEWS | UK | The spy ship that came in from the cold