...使用上有时把澳式足球(Australian Rules Football)、美式足球(American Football)和甚为罕见 加拿大式足球 ( Canadian Football ):分别是:法国、澳洲、英格兰、爱尔兰、纽西兰、南非、威尔斯、苏格兰。
...球(Rugby foot-ball),以及在其他各地所产生的“足球”,如美式足球(Americanfootball)、 加拿大足球 ( Canadian football )和澳大利亚足球(Aus-tralian football),等等。因此,你如果要与西方人谈论足球,不能简单地用 Football 一词。
And even the American game has variants, as there are slightly different rules for the versions played by college teams, professional teams and CanadianFootball League teams.
The leading synthetic supplier is FieldTurf, a Canadian firm that started out in the late 1980s selling tennis and golf surfaces, and then moved into soccer, football and lacrosse.