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In addition, as part of its on-going acreage build strategy, Shell has acquired ~250, 000 net acres (1, 000 square kilometers) of mineral rights in the Eagle Ford shale play, in South Texas, in 2010. 此外,作为正在进行的创建战略中的一部分,壳牌石油2010年在美国德克萨斯南部的伊格福特区页岩(Eagle Ford shale)地区获得了净用地250000亩(1000平方公里)的采矿权。 - 2
The Eagle-1, for example, developed by Israel Aerospace Industries and EADS, Europe’s aviation giant, can stay aloft for more than 50 hours at a time. 例如,由以色列航宇工业公司(Israel Aerospace Industries)和欧洲的航空业巨头——欧洲航空防务和航天公司(EADS)所联合开发的鹰-1无人机(Eagle-1),其滞空时间可超过50小时。 - 3
1: Eagle Two: the SRU works security for a visiting billionaire and his wife, who are scheduled to attend a benefit at a plush hotel, but the wife is kidnapped by a man posing as a journalist. 第1集:鹰二:sru工作安全访问的亿万富翁和他的妻子,谁被邀请参加在一个豪华酒店的好处,但妻子被一名男子冒充记者被绑架。