释义 |
1 ?荧光色 ...色彩的季节,任何饱和度高的颜色都能让你成为街上的时尚焦点,然后在这其中,最出挑的还要属耀眼的fluorescence color (荧光色),好像掺杂了太阳的光芒在其中,泛着轻盈的光,让人不得不爱。
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One can witness a slightly yellower change in the color of the dog's skin, but to the naked eye, fluorescence cannot be seen without the presence of UV light and goggles. 人们可以看到狗的皮肤颜色稍微变黄,但对于肉眼而言,荧光在没有紫外光照射和未使用护目镜时不会被看到。 - 2
Crystal habit, luster, color, streak, cleavage, fracture, fluorescence, phosphorescence, specific gravity and magnetism. 晶体习性、光泽、颜色、条痕、解理、裂理、荧光、磷光、比重和磁性。 - 3
Physical properties including color, density, viscosity, freezing point, solubility, heat, fluorescence, and optical activity, etc. 物理性质包括颜色、密度、粘度、凝固点、溶解性、发热量、荧光性、旋光性等;