释义 |
feudalism 英/ ?fju?d?l?z?m / 美/ ?fju?d?l?z?m / - 1
历史学 封建主义 The defect was avoided in the narration of Toter, Jones etc. They centred precise and down-to-earthresearch, avoiding the concept of Feudalism. 这种缺陷在陶特、琼斯、莱昂等人的论述中得以避免,他们力图避免“封建主义”的概念,集中对问题作细致、实事求是的研究。 封建化 Tuoba Xianbei was one of hordes that moved toward south later. Therefore, it could summary experience precept and carry out the right policy, adjusted the relation between agriculture and livestock fanning,, mollified the race antinomy, and very soon realized feudalism. 拓拔鲜卑是内迁诸族中入塞较晚的一支,因此,能够总结此前胡族政权的统治经验和教训,推行比较对路的政策,较好地调整了农牧关系、缓和了民族矛盾,很快地实现了封建化。 封建制 Such as the new conceptions of the huge central bureaucracy, implement of feudalism, China, Shikoku, Duo Fang and Bu Ting Fang appear. 表现为:庞大的中央官僚机构,封建制的实行,中国、四国、多方、不廷方等新的国土观念的出现,畿内外的分野,县、郡的出现以及部落的强大。
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It was the result that Wusi thoughts enlighten, was also one of the contents of Wusi anti - feudalisms. 它是五四思想启蒙的结果,也是“五四”反封建的内容之一。