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1 ?羊茅属 【正文快照】: 高羊茅 (Festucaarundinacea)属于禾本科羊茅属(Festuca) ,是多年生草本植物 ,丛生型 ,须根发达 ,适应性广 ,并具有耐寒 ,耐践踏 ,抗病性等特性[1] . 2 ?高羊茅 禾本科植物草地早熟禾(Poa?pratensis),黑麦草(Lolium?perenne)和高羊茅(Festuca?arundinacea)是适合我国北方建植草坪的适宜草种,也是目前我国冷季型草坪建植最常用的草种。 3 ?羊茅 Microsoft Word - 8温常龙.doc 关键词: 黑麦草;羊茅;属间杂交;研究进展 [gap=1276]Key words: Lolium; Festuca; intergeneric hybrid; progress
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The results showed that the adaption of Lolium was higher than Poa and Festuca. 结果表明:黑麦草类的适应性状和坪用性状均优于早熟禾和高羊茅类。 - 2
Hemerocallis fulva, Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Chrysanthemum morifolium, Festuca glauca, Gaillardia aristata, Viola philippica are weaker(10<20); 萱草、五叶地锦、地被菊、蓝羊茅、天人菊、紫花地丁的耐旱性中等(10<20); - 3
Nest-type Beijing Olympic Stadium was simulated to study the pattern of heat accumulation and its impacts on the growth of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea). 通过模拟北京奥运国家体育场的鸟巢式框架结构,并对体育场的热集聚效应及其对场内运动草坪生长所造成的影响进行了研究分析。