释义 |
1 ?积肥场 ... 机修车间||machine repair shop 积肥场||fertilizer yard 积分球||integrating sphere ...
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"I need to spread fertilizer on the grass in the front yard," Ruth replied, "Then I need to check the wound on my dog's paw. I'm afraid it might fester if I don't get medicine for it." “我要给前院的草地施肥,”鲁思回答,“然后要检查一下小狗爪子的伤口,我担心如果不给它上点药,伤口会化脓的。” - 2
The tractor's computer then delivers varying amounts of irrigation water, seed, fertilizer, and pesticides to optimize the production of the land as its condition varies yard by yard. 由于每一码土地的情况都不尽相同,拖拉机的计算机会根据土壤的具体条件,提供相应数量的灌溉用水、化肥、杀虫剂以使土地的产量达到最优。 - 3
"I need to spread fertilizer on the grass in the front yard," Ruth replied, "Then I need to check the wound on my dog's paw." I'm afraid it might fester if I don't get medicine for it. “我要给前院的草地施肥,”鲁思回答,“然后要检查一下小狗爪子的伤口,我担心如果不给它上点药,伤口会化脓的。”