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农业科学 滴灌施肥 Method The micro-spot trials were carried out in rain-protection shed under the condition of drip fertigation by“311-B”D-saturation optimum design. 方法在滴灌施肥条件下,采用“311-B”D饱和最优设计,通过旱棚防雨条件下进行田间微区试验。 灌溉施肥 Adding fertilizers through the irrigation water (i. e. fertigation) is one of common ways of fertilization. However, the uneven distribution and leachings of nutrients and induced crop damage are the common problems for the traditional way of fertigation. 灌溉施肥是生产中经常采用的一种水肥调控技术,但施肥不匀,养分流失,容易引起作物灼烧等,是传统的灌溉施肥方法常常遇到的问题。 水肥灌溉