... Fag:烟 Fall asleep at the switch:玩忽职守,漫不经心,心太大 Fancy:是desire的意思,I fancy that dress,我想要那条裙子 ...
漫不经心(fall asleep at the switch), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
... pay through the nose 被敲竹杠;被勒索 fall asleep at the switch 玩忽职守;错过机会;漫不经心 bring home the bacon 谋生、养家糊口;成功、取胜 ...
... 2. up to par 达到标准 3. cargo n. 货物 4. fall asleep at the switch 玩忽职守,工作失误 ...
This is no time to fallasleepattheswitch.
FORBES: Market Correction Started In September, Has Room To Get Worse
We are still in a very fluid economic and investing period, not a time for investors to become so complacent as the investor sentiment readings seem to indicate, that they fallasleepattheswitch.
FORBES: Market Meets New Wall of Worry Or More Likely Just Brief Profit-Taking On Way To Higher Highs