释义 |
faithfulness 英/ ?fe?θfln?s / 美/ ?fe?θfln?s / - 1
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文学 忠实 It is generally accepted that "faithfulness" is the basic principle translatorsshould follow strictly. “忠实”被广泛地认为是译者在翻译过程中应该遵守的基本原则。 梁实秋 Liang advocates the principle of unification of“faithfulness”and“smoothness”, proposes“literal translation”on the basis of sentences as units, and approves of translating and retranslating“first-class”works, but he opposes unnatural“Europeanization”and“relay translating”. 梁实秋主张“信”与“顺”的统一,赞成“重译”和以“句译”为基础的直译,坚持译“第一流的作品”,反对“转译”和不自然的“欧化文”。
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