释义 |
1 ?名字 ... 所属州: MO 名字: Faire 姓: Delbert ... 2 ?尺寸为 ... 尺腕掌侧韧带 ligament cubito-carpien palmaire 尺寸为 faire 尺寸稳定性 stabilité dimensionnelle ... 3 ?速度为 ... 速成班 cours accélér 速度为 faire 速度标牌 poteau indicateur de vitesse ...
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Recently, however, some scholars have argued that even though laissez-faire became the prevailing ethos in nineteen-century America, it was not accepted without struggle. 然而,最近一些学者认为,尽管“自由放任”成为19世纪美国的主流思潮,但它不能不经过斗争就被接受。 - 2
These scholars argue that even in the late nineteenth century, with the government's role in the economy considerably diminished, laissez-faire had not triumphed completely. 这些学者认为,即使在十九世纪后期,随着政府在经济中的作用大大减弱,自由放任政策也没有完全取得胜利。 - 3
Similarly, Louis Hartz, who sometimes disagreed with the Progressives, argued that Americans accepted laissez-faire capitalism without challenge because they lacked a feudal, precaptialist past. 同样,与进步派观点相左的路易斯·哈茨认为,美国人之所以能够毫无异议地接受自由放任的资本主义,是因为他们缺乏封建的、前资本主义的历史。