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费尔班克斯,道格拉斯 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
A cross between Zelig and Douglas Fairbanks, he seems to turn up everywhere in the last century's book of glamorous pursuits, then disappear and pop up again somewhere else. 一条贯穿z和道格拉斯银行之间的道路上,他似乎在上世纪闪耀的各个角落出现过,之后消失并在某些地方重新闪现。 - 2
Silver portrays the 30-year career of the LA-born actress Anna May Wong, who co-stars with Douglas Fairbanks at 19. “白银篇”讲述了洛杉矶出生的女演员黄柳霜30年的职业生涯,她从19岁就开始和道格拉斯·费尔班克斯同台演出了。 - 3
Bernard shaw, Bertrand Russell, Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks and Mary pickford all walked the bund and drank in the peace, then the cathay, hotel. 萧伯纳、罗素、卓别林、道格拉斯·费尔班克斯、玛丽。匹克福德均曾走过外滩,在和平饭店当时的中国饭店里饮酒。