定义 中文名称:动频系数 英文名称:dynamic frequency factor 定义:转子转动状态下叶片离心力对叶片固有频率的影响系数。 应用学科: 电力(一级学科);汽轮机、燃气轮机(二级学科) 以上内容由全国科学技术名词审定委员会
Frequency and loss factor are two important indices of dynamic property of composite structures, in which the viscoelastic material is sandwiched between the upper layer and the lower layer.
The speed of switching component is the primary factor that influences boosting frequency of inverter. Compared with IGBT, MOSFET can be used to improve dynamic responding speed.
The results show that, the natural frequency, dynamic amplification factor and acceleration root of mean square of seat suspension will decrease with the increase of proportional valve input voltage.