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值班结束 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?警戒结束 《警戒结束》(End of Watch):杰克·吉伦哈尔光头演出 2 ?警战实录 email警战实录 (End Of Watch)电影资料,警战实录电影预告,警战实录上映戏院,警战实录上映时间,警战实录影评... 3 ?鉴戒竣事 杰克-凶伦哈我尖底制型退场,道评二位没有靠谱的差己1.85狐月玉兔服务端之间这一些没有靠谱的新事《鉴戒竣事》(end of watch); variance films
- 1
So, open your eyes, breathe deeply, and watch the pictures below – by the end of the page you’ll be infected with smiling. 那么,请你睁开双眼,深呼吸,仔细瞧瞧下面的图片——看到最后一页你就会传染上笑的。 - 2
At one end of the store is a glass wall, through which you can watch the small factory at work as the doughnuts are made. 店铺另一侧是一面玻璃墙,透过那面墙你可以看到一个制作甜甜圈的小工厂。 - 3
For hours on end, he would watch his father smack hundreds of balls.