释义 |
- 临终关怀:指在生命即将结束时,为病人提供的关爱和支持,包括缓解病痛、提供心理和精神支持等。
1 ?临终关怀 End of Life Care(临终关怀) Endodontics(subject to approval)(根管治疗(待认证)) . 2 ?临终照护 临终照护 - End of Life Care 风湿病护理(隔年进入) - Rheumatology Nursing (entry alternate years) .. 3 ?关爱生命结束 ... 电力工程,Electrical Power Engineering 关爱生命结束,End of Life Care 工程学,Engineering ...
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On these forms you indicate what kind of end of life care you want and you can appoint a Healthcare representative. 在这些表格上,你可以选择你想要的临终关怀,指定一位自己的医疗代表。 - 2
They found that journalists frequently cover aggressive treatment and survival but rarely discuss treatment failure, adverse events, end-of-life care or death. 他们发现,新闻记者总是报道积极治疗和幸存,但是极少讨论失败疗法,不良事件、生命终期护理或死亡。 - 3
So the Lien Foundation, a charity, commissioned the Economist Intelligence Unit, our sister company, to devise a ranking of end-of-life care. 因此,连氏基金会委托本刊姊妹公司——经济学人智库策划一项善终服务(临终关怀)排名的调查。