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European Stability Mechanism - 1
The next package for Greece will require a full parliamentary vote, as will the creation of the European Stability Mechanism, the successor to the EFSF. 对希腊的许多计划都在要求议会全体投票,不仅如此,还要建立一个欧洲稳定机制,作为欧洲金融市场稳定基金的左右手。 - 2
A third possibility is to accelerate the creation of Europe's permanent bail-out facility, the European Stability Mechanism, currently due to be set up in 2013. 第三种可能性是加快成立永久性欧洲纾困机构作为欧洲的稳定体制,原计划在2013年成立。 - 3
WHAT is at stake in tomorrow's vote in the Bundestag, Germany's lower house, on the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), a bail-out mechanism for the euro? 德国议会的下议院德国联邦议院下周关于欧元救援机制-欧洲金融稳定基金(EFSF)的投票牵涉有多大呢?