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1 ?欧洲社会基金 1958 年,欧盟成立 了欧洲社会基金(European Social Fund, ESF),由于社会基金是欧盟规定各成员 国按一定比例交纳筹集而来,所以基金支出的范围就有着特定的对象性和项目... 2 ?欧洲社会基金 达文西计画在欧盟裡属中型计画,例如欧洲社会基金(European Social Fund)在 1994-1999 期间之预算高达 57,191,000,000 欧元)
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Deap, which has been running for 11 years, also receives money from the Big Lottery Fund and One European Social Fund. BBC: Scheme for jobless faces cash cut - 2.
Hampshire County Council is willing to assist the project, dubbed Bradnet, and money could be made available via the European Social Fund. BBC: Cumbria - 3.
The project is the first time the Big Lottery Fund has joined together with another funding source - the European Social Fund. BBC: ?16m life skills programme launch