...洲核子研究实验室 European laboratory for nuclear research 欧洲粒子物理学实验室 European laboratory for particle physics 欧洲货币传送格式 European money transfer form ..
...本标示语言、超文本置标语言、超文本排版语言))是一种由欧洲粒子物理实验室(The European Laboratory for Particle Physics)所提出的Web页面(Web网页)和控制Web信息显示格式的WWW页面描述语言。
...6 , being called the father of Transistor; Swiss Alps CERN: European Laboratory for Particle Physics(欧洲粒子物理研究所) Lingua franca: 混杂语, 交际语 Gutenbergian: refers to Gutenberg’s Bible, which was the first Bible Printed from movabl...
It is also a spirit that informed Tim Berners-Lee's later World Wide Web (not the same as the Internet) when the Cern Europeanparticlephysicslaboratory released it royalty-free for anyone to use.
The Large Hadron Collider is a 27km-long circular accelerator that is being built at CERN, the Europeanparticle-physicslaboratory near Geneva, specifically to look for the Higgs boson.