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Europeanization 英/ ?j??r?pi??na??ze??n / 美/ j??r??pi?n??ze??n / - 1
语言学 欧化 Therefore, the Europeanization of Chinese does not stem from an internal force, but rather originates from an external pressure. 因而,汉语的“欧化”不是起因于一种“内在的力量”,而是源自一种“外在的压力”。
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文学 欧化 Liang advocates the principle of unification of“faithfulness”and“smoothness”, proposes“literal translation”on the basis of sentences as units, and approves of translating and retranslating“first-class”works, but he opposes unnatural“Europeanization”and“relay translating”. 梁实秋主张“信”与“顺”的统一,赞成“重译”和以“句译”为基础的直译,坚持译“第一流的作品”,反对“转译”和不自然的“欧化文”。
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法学 欧洲化 During the process of the Europeanization, many basic principles have come into being, which have been recognized by most of the Member States. 在欧盟成员国行政法欧洲化的过程中,产生了一系列欧盟成员国公认的基本原则。
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经济学 欧洲化 At the beginning of this paper there are some definitions of "Europeanization". Then there is an analysis of the relationship between Europeanization and member states and a description of Europeanization of agricultural policies of member states. 文章首先对欧洲化的含义、欧洲化和成员国的关系做了分析,接下来就农业政策领域的欧洲化做了描述,文章的重点放在成员国法国和共同农业政策的关系上。