... EBU European Broadcasting Union 欧洲广播联盟 ; 欧洲广播同盟 EMU European Monetary Union 欧洲货币联盟 European?Union 欧洲联盟 ...
...组织( 下称" 联合国教科文组 织");(b) 联合国教科文组织的世界电台电视评议会;(c) 欧洲广播联会( European Broadcasting Union)的《公共广播服务法律典范》(Model Public Service Broadcasting Law);及(d) Wikipedia 的定义。
... Active crossover主动分频,电子分频,有源分频 EBU european broadcasting union欧罗巴洲广播同盟 Force转载,强力压制进行置入 ...
The trio was "Ensemble in Residence" in Copenhagen's Rundetaarn (Round Tower), with five sold-out concerts in 2005 broadcast on the EuropeanBroadcastingUnion and Danish Radio.
So far it has struck separate deals for Italy and Turkey, rather than sell all European rights to the EuropeanBroadcastingUnion as in the past, and has done rather better from them.