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- 消防车:消防车又称救火车,是专门用作灭火或其他紧急用途的救灾车辆。消防车按功能可分为泵车(抽水车)、云梯车、抢救车(载有各种抢救装备)及其他专门及支援车辆。消防车平常驻扎在消防局内,遇上火警时由消防员驾驶开赴现场。多数地区的消防车都是涂上鲜艳的红色(部分地区亦有鲜黄色、橙色或白色、绿色、黑色、萤光色消防车),在车顶上装有警示灯及蜂鸣器,欧洲大部分为蓝色,亚洲大部分为红色除了某些国家是橙色,蓝色。
1 ?消防船 ... fire system 消防系统 fire tender 消防船 fire tube boiler survey 火管锅炉检验 ... 2
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Young pigs, chosen for their tender meat, are rotated and roasted thoroughly over a fire pit for hours. 为了使用细嫩的肉烹制,所以必须要选用幼猪,并在火坑上彻底的翻烤数个小时。 - 2
I so love the touch of his fingers, so gently, yet slightly quivering with excitement, as if through his tender skin, I could sense his fire-like passion in his jumping heart. 我喜欢他指尖的触觉,那样的柔和,又微微有些因激动引起的颤抖,仿佛透过他那滑嫩的皮肤,我可以感受到那颗火热的跳动着的心。 - 3
Still feeling you hug my tender feelings lightly water, my article reads your enthusiasm, such as fire, .