《 火瀑》( FireFall)即将于本周和下周五在美服展开两次为期48小时的压力测试,届时制作团队将邀请数千名玩家参与试玩。
...摘要:去年的PAX Prime展会上Red 5 Studios就展示了他们的新MMOFPS游戏《Firefall》(暂译,火瀑),在展会结束后不久游戏就开始了封闭BETA测试。在上周五,游戏的保密协议总算失效,可以自由公开测试体验。
Yes, we were looking at Firefall many PAXes ago, and it was a markedly different game then.
FORBES: Firefall and Red 5 Studios At PAX East 2013
Red 5 Studios CEO Mark Kern had much to say at the Firefall presentation at PAX East 2013.
In addition, The9 is developing various proprietary games, including Shen Xian Zhuan, FireFall and other MMORPGs and advanced causal games.
ENGADGET: OpenFeint and The9 will stimulate devs to port their games to Android with cold hard cash