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dyeing and finishing auxiliaries 染整助剂 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 [纺]?染整助剂 ...化工]涂料助剂 auxiliary materials for paints [化工百科知识][精细化工]染整助剂 dyeing and finishing auxiliaries [化工百科知识][精细化工]石油产品添加剂 additives for petroleum products ..
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Some respects of dyeing and finishing auxiliaries which should be developed emphatically at present are discussed briefly. 简要论述了当前染整助剂应重点开发的几个方面,并对应强化相关研究开发力度提出了建议。 - 2
Triadimefon, paclobutrazol, diniconazole, yect, JXB, pesticide emulsifier, oil field chemicals, surface active agent, dyeing and finishing auxiliaries for textile. 三唑酮、多效唑、烯唑醇、异恶草酮、甲辛宝、农药乳化剂、油田化学品、表面活性剂、纺织染整助剂。 - 3
Used in sizing, desizing, scouring, bleaching, carbonation and chloride process, and as a dyeing and finishing auxiliaries, and the permeability of leather coating agent, etc. 用于上浆、退浆、煮炼、漂白、碳化及氯化等工序,又可作染色浴及整理浴的渗透助剂,以及皮革涂层的渗透剂等。