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历史学 双王制 The Spartan dyarchy means the institution of the coexistence of two kings, which were called basileis in classical Greek, in the city-state. 就古典文献来看,双王制就是斯巴达城邦中双王并立的体制。 二元政制 During the period of dyarchy constitution, the Karens demanded for a Karen state from the British government, which was not only the result of the Karen nationalism but also the constitutional reform and the emergence of the Burmese nationalism. 二元政制时期,缅甸的克伦族向英国政府提出建邦的要求。 这一要求的提出不仅是克伦民族主义发展的结果,更与缅甸的二元制改革和缅人民族主义的兴起息息相关。