Disney boss Joe Roth had a conversation with recording executive Kathy Nelson who recommended John Cusack and his writing and producing partners D. V. DeVincentis and Steve Pink adapt the book.
These numerous examples of cross-reactions raise another question: why does Bet v 1 cause an allergy to the Mal d 1 protein but not the other way around?
这么多交叉反应的例子提出了另一个问题:为什么Bet v 1会导致对Mal d 1蛋白质的过敏,反过来Mal d 1却不会导致Bet v 1过敏?
Use the db2mtrk tool to display the amount of memory that is currently being used: db2mtrk -i -d -v On Windows, -i must be specified.
使用db2mtrk工具显示当前使用的内存量:db2mtrk - i - d - v在Windows中,- i必须指定。