释义 |
1 ?封尾 ... 化学键合相:chemically bonde phase 封尾、封顶、遮盖:end capping 手性固定相:chiral stationary phase,csp ... 2 [高分子 物化]?封端 封端(end capping), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
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Officials said BP's latest oil capping system, put in place at the end of last week, was so far collecting about 11,000 barrels a day. 相关人士说,英国石油公司上个周末新采取的“盖帽法”装置,迄今每天可收集约11,000桶漏油。 - 2
Suppose that capping plans paid off but that the total spill were assessed at the top end of current estimates, say 4m barrels, and BP were found wilfully negligent. 假如帽子计划付清,但是全部的漏油量是目前估计的最高值,即400万桶,那么英国石油公司就是蓄意玩忽职守了。 - 3
These data challenge the view that telomeres require ssDNA protrusions for forming a functional capping structure and demonstrate flexibility in solutions to the chromosome end protection problem. 这些数据质疑这样的观点,即认为端粒需要单链DNA突起形成一个功能性的封盖结构,并证明在染色体末端的保护问题上,大自然有着灵活的解决方案。