... 张晗, 美国佐治亚理工学院商学院副教授(拥有终身教职),现任佐治亚理工学院商学院EMBA项目的学术主任(Faculty Director),曾于2007年到2012年担任信息技术管理领域主任(Area Coordinator),并于2008年到2012年拥有Helen and John Taylor Rhett, Jr.
... faculty director大学院长 dean of studies教务长 dean ; chairman系主任 ...
So first wonderful Sherry Millie who's the facultydirector of the Keller center which has been a wonderful home for me and a very important place to be able to do my work in a supportive way.
"If you were to ask, most of our students and faculty members, they don't even know it's on there," said Herb Coleman, instructional computing director of Austin Community College.
Mary Waye is the director of the Laboratory for Human Genomics, and Professor at the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.