... 木贼 Casuarinales cat rush; dutch rush; horse tail; Equisetum 木贼 Dutch rush; cat-rush; horsetail; Equisetum 木贼(化石) Equisetites ...
...土笔(日本) Equisetum arvense L; Acker Hermus; field hare-tail; horse pipe 木贼属 Equisetum cat ursh; Dutch rush; horsetail scouringrush 笔管草;木贼草(H.F.);接 Equisetum debile Roxb; .
... 木贼科植物木贼 equisetum hiemale 【植物;植物学】木贼。 dutch rush; pewter-wort 长叶木贼属 equisetina ...
Presumably, if this novel scheme is successful, Dutch tailors will soon be plucking people from the dole queues to cope with a rush of alterations.
ECONOMIST: The Dutch model (cont??d)