释义 |
1 ?尘黧 ... 尘土:dust 尘粒计数器:dust counter;dust-counter 尘黧:dust haze ... 2 ?尘霾 ... haze filter 消雾滤光器 dust haze 尘霾 Arctic haze 北极霾 ...
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I want to speed up the pace, a large number of collected smoke, dust haze in the air, bacteria, virus, growing our family, let my power across the world. 我要加快步伐,大量收编空气中的烟雾、尘霾、细菌、病毒,不断壮大我们的家族,要让我的威力横扫全世界! - 2
NanoSAR is light enough that it could be added to the craft without pulling off other sensors, giving it the ability to spy through fog, haze, dust and camouflage. 纳米合成孔径雷达重量较轻,能够装备于该无人机上,而无需卸载其他传感器,可为无人机提供穿透雾、霾、灰尘和伪装的监视能力。 - 3
Next, the fishing boats stopped sailing from the ports, then the hearth smoke faded away and only a sandy haze was left hanging in the air; a death rattle of dust. 接着,渔船停止从港口启航,然后炉烟逐渐消逝,只剩下一层沙色的薄雾悬在空中;尘埃的临死哀鸣。