释义 |
1 ?粉煤 ... dussertite 绿砷钡铁矿 dust coal 粉煤 dust counter 计尘器尘粒计数器 ... 2 ?微粉煤 ... 威兼氏砂心,增压砂心William's core,atmospheric core 微粉煤dust coal 微孔巢性(铸疵)microporosity ... 3 ?屑煤 ... 碎煤贮藏箱 crushed coal storage bin 屑煤,碎煤 dust coal 碎煤,屑煤 slack coal ... 4 ?煤粉 ... dust coal 粉煤 dust coal 煤粉 dust coal 煤末 ...
- 1
The air is so black with diesel fumes and coal dust, I can barely see. 天空由于充满柴油机的浓烟和煤灰而如此黑,我几乎看不见。 - 2
The miserable Toad, crouching in the coal-dust, tried hard to think of something to do, with dismal want of success. 可怜的托德蜷缩在煤尘里,拼命想主意,可是苦于想不出来。 - 3
She called down something about coal dust and sawdust, someone called back up to her, and she laughed. 她朝楼下说了一句煤灰和锯屑的话,有个人回了她一句,她发出笑声。