但是按照埃塞俄比亚的规定,所有政 14比尔(Birr):埃塞俄比亚基本货币单位,I美元兑换约18比尔 “国际货物海洋运输中的风险分析http://www.baoyuntong.com/Datum/show.a...
... birotulate 两轮骨针 birr 冲量 birth and death process 增消过程; 生灭过程 ...
... birotor双转子 birr机械转动噪声 birth增殖;出生 ...
贝尔城堡庄园 贝尔(Birr)城堡庄园建于欧洲中世纪,是迄今为数不多,保存完好的爱尔兰最大的私人城堡之一,位于奥法利郡。
埃塞俄比亚比尔 ; 埃塞俄比亚
比尔城堡 ; 比尔城堡庄园 ; 发明家与摄影师 ; 尔城堡
The family of Ms Gowing, originally from Kinnity, near Birr, in County Offaly, has been informed.
BBC: Catherine Gowing
The experimental product, called BIRR 4, tricks the viruses responsible for colds into not binding themselves to cells in the nose.
CNN: Dangers on the Home Front
Miss Gowing, who is originally from Kinnity, near Birr, in County Offaly, worked as a vet in Mold at the time of her disappearance.