释义 |
1 ?欧洲美元利率 ... Eurodollar futures 欧洲美元期货 Eurodollar rate 欧洲美元利率 Eurodollar 欧洲美元 存在美国以外或美国银行国外分行的美元存款。由于存在美国以外,欧洲美元可以逃避美国联储局的监管 ...
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For example, there's relation between interest rate and Eurodollar futures. - 2
They cover foreign exchange, currency options, money market transactions, bonds, floating rate notes, Eurodollar CDs, … 负责外汇交易,货币期权,货币市场交易,债券,流动利息票据,欧元CD…… - 3
Similar to the Eurodollar derivative, the T-bill contract is standardized to an amount of $1,000,000 so that each basis point change in the price (or rate) is worth $25 per contract. 与欧洲美元衍生证券类似,国库券合约以$1,000,000的金额标准化,以至于每张合约的每个基本点变动引起价格变动$25。