释义 |
- 用……奉承:用赞美或恭维的话来讨好某人,以达到某种目的。
1 ?用…方法向某人谄媚 ... flatter beyond measure 受宠若惊 flatter on 在某方面恭维 flatter with 用…方法向某人谄媚 ...
- 1
Our short-lives connexion with existence we fondly flatter ourselves, is an indissoluble and lasting union—a honeymoon that knows neither coldness, jar, nor separation. 我们一厢情愿,痴心妄想,竟把自己在世上的暂时栖身,当作千古不变、万事长存的结合,好像没有冷淡、争执、离别的蜜月。 - 2
Instead of the closely packed, large, scooped keys that ThinkPad loyalists love, the X100e and Edge have 'island-style' keyboards, with distinctly separated, flatter-looking letter and number keys. ThinkPad以前那种排列紧密、十分宽大、略向内凹的按键深受其忠实粉丝喜爱,而X100e和Edge的键盘则与此不同,是“岛屿式的”,字母和数字键都分得很开、看起来更平滑。 - 3
Its design provides for more stability - with its flatter profile, it ACTS less like a sail, making it less susceptible to winds during flights of up to 1240 miles. 它的设计能够提供更好的稳定性——更平坦的外形,但是其作用并不像帆,这样能够在最远1240英里的飞行中更好地减少风的影响。